RTS have a proven track record in delivering audio visual services and support to inquests and public inquiries as far back as 2004 with the Hutton Inquiry. RTS was approached to duplicate the services for the Inquest into the Death of Princess Diana and Dodi al Fayed.

A team of engineers liaised closely with the Inquiry team and installed both the hardware and the infrastructure to support live video and audio from court 73 down to the press annexe at the RCJ, Royal Courts of Justice, allowing press and public to watch in real-time the events from the inquiry room. A bank of 50-inch plasma screens allowed video and electronic evidence as well as a live transcription feed to be viewed from the media annexe.

RTS engineers operated the equipment from an onsite control room, allowing remote control of live cameras as well as operating video conferencing equipment allowing witnesses to give evidence from around the world.